Has Las Vegas Deserted the Family?
By Tracy Repchuk
Millions of dollars were spent to make Las Vegas family friendly with New York,Stratosphere, Sahara, all adding roller coasters to their repertoire, but when itdidnt become the Disney Land they were hoping for, how did this affect thefamilies who had bought into this vision?
When my husband and I said we were taking our 3 kids ages 8,7 and 6 toLas Vegas, everyone asked why? You cant gamble with kids, what will you do?
We had no idea but decided to go on an adventure to prove that Las Vegas ismore than its latest marketing gimmick What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, andthat it can be a very fun place for families.
Welcome to our journey. Were the Repchuks; myself and my husband Davetravel all over with our children, and write about it. We decided that onmy husbands 50th birthday we would go wherever he wanted, and he choseVegas. So I got on the internet and started to figure out how we were going to fillour 10 day excursion of this adults' paradise.
Things didnt go exactly to plan, but despite some surprises we had a fantastictime anyway. The key to a great family vacation is to expect the unexpected,and treat everything as part of the voyage. So when our flight arrived late intoChicago, and our connection had already left, we hopped on an 11:00pm flight toSan Francisco, slept in the airport, and caught the 6:30am flight into Las Vegasthe next day. Although we were tired, and our luggage was still in transit, wedecided to use this day to familiarize ourselves with the strip.
In our boots and warm clothing, we sauntered the street in 80-degree heat withour excitement and energy in tact. Enormous hotels, malls, TV screens, slotmachines, and entertainment filled the air, and our kids were wide-eyed as theyasked successive questions at a rapid pace. It had grown so much since my lastvisit 10 years ago. From Mandalay Bay to the Sahara, it stretched a mere 4.5miles, but felt like 20. I was amazed when the kids didnt complain, it must havebeen the sites that kept them riveted.
We returned to the Circus Circus Hotel where we were staying, changed intomore comfortable clothing from our newly arrived luggage, and went out insearch of food. Much to my surprise, it was not cheap. Visions of $1.99breakfast and inexpensive buffets were a thing of the past. Too bad because mygang eats like wild buffalo. During the course of the week, despite our continuedefforts, we certainly broke the budget on this item. If you wanted pop, liquor, hotdogs or donuts, these came cheap. Even though I was on vacation I didnt wantto discard our healthy eating regimen, but fruit was very expensive, which gaveme great insight to the overweight teenager epidemic.
Our entertainment would be the focus for our next week, and Vegas shines inthis category. All for free we swam, watched circus acts, visited flamingos andexotic birds, seahorses, fish and white tigers, stood in awe at the Bellagiofountain as water rose hundreds of feet in the air to music, felt the heat from anerupting volcano, and watched pirates tame the seas at Treasure Island.
The most amazing thing about Vegas was it was like a mini trip around the world.Hotel themes for Italy, France, New York, Egypt, the Sahara captured andintoxicated you with far away lands. The architecture and designs were amazing,from pyramids, to Sphinx, roller coasters, Statue of Liberty, Gondola rides ofVenice, the Eiffel Tower and the extreme elegance of rich and exotic wares.
Then of course comes the side trip selection. For most, including us, we choseHoover Dam, Lake Mead, Ethel M Chocolate Factory Tour, gardens and homesof the rich and famous. I think adults appreciate the splendor and feat of thedam, but children see beautiful blue water and ask how they can swim in it. Myhusband and I enjoyed the trip, the bus driver was informative and I learned a lotabout the area. The kids loved the free samples from the chocolate factory, andwe all liked the cactus garden as they invoked images of New Mexico andArizona. Overall it was a lovely way to spend the day.
Upon our return however, we were surprised to see Fire trucks and securityeverywhere. We had already been aware of the capture of Ohios most wanted,and was curious as to the commotion in our own hotel. A main transformer hadblown, causing a power shut down in the tower we were in. I marveled at howthe casinos remained untouched, while the ability to use the elevators, or getany power for 2 days in your room was the reality elsewhere. In darkness, with asecurity guard and one flashlight, on the second day we eventually moved toanother room that had power. We did get compensated for our troubles, soeven though it was a pain, the money savings helped to offset our meals, whichwas a blessing.
With the kids there were definitely two things that stood out, and one advice I wouldstress. First is the advice. Enjoy the strip during the day, but get back to your hotelat around 7:30pm. When dusk starts to approach, the whole place takes on a differentfeel, and despite the amazing light show at the darker hour, I wouldn't recommendit with kids.
The two things that stood out: First was the stacks and rows of women for sale. My kids werecontinuously asking why there were so many, why they were naked, why didpeople approach you and ask you if you wanted a good time. Werent we havinga good time? they would ask. Honestly, those questions came to my mind as well. If I am interested in that aspect, I am capable of going to the newspaper like stands that hold it, and taking a look.Does thrusting a business card sized picture that gets dropped a few feet awayreally drum up business? I watched as men would ignore these offers just asfrequently. I think if someone wants it, they know where to go, so my advice to Las Vegas in general is lets clear the streets of the promoters, and the litter they create.
The other humorous comment was about Elvis. The conversation went like this, Mom, isnt Elvis dead? Yes dear he is. So whydo people want to dress and act like a dead man? You dont see that inToronto, New York, Montreal, Memphis, but for some reason, its alive andkicking in Las Vegas. I couldnt respond as to the motivation, and gave a briefsummary of the significance of Elvis, but it does make you wonder why, and Iguess its because anything can happen in Vegas.
Thankfully a given seemed to be the continuous glorious weather, guaranteeingus daily visits to the pool, and a healthy glow to our skin. It was a Caribbeanholiday without the price.
So after 10 days, with a first night in the airport, and 2 days without power wouldwe recommend bringing a family to Las Vegas? The answer is a definitive yes.This place is a must see for adults and children. It is a carefully planned 10 milestrip of tourism genius. With over 35 million visitors a year, it is clear that there issomething for everyone, including the family. We enjoyed our stay, and hopethat next time you are considering a vacation, you take a good look at all that LasVegas has to offer.
Tracy Lynn Repchuk is the author of The Poetry of Business, which is available through Chapters, Indigo, Amazon and various stores in the US. She speaks at Chamber, Rotary, and other business and networking organizations about her book, and entrepreneurial experiences.She has traveled extensively with her 3 kids, and shares her experiences through articles and talks.
She is also the President and Founder of the Canadian Federation of Poets http://www.federationofpoets.com and Editor of Poetry Canada magazine http://www.poetrycanada.com
Her latest marketing efforts include a website that has increased sales by 200% over traditional sites.Check it out: http://www.ifyoucanimagineityoucanhaveit.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=TracyRepchuk